For the past few months, I have cringed every time I buy a carton of milk. Costing the same (if not more) than in the U.S., warm in a box, and pumped full of hormones for preservation, milk was not my favorite thing to buy. My desire for calcium and vitamin D routinely overcame these other factors and I forked over the money. However, I recently found a family about 30 meters up the road who not only has a cow and milks every day, but also sells the milk. 5 liters for $2.50. Fresh out of the cow´s utter, I must boil it to kill any bacteria. The wholest of whole milk I have ever tasted.
5 AM. Coastal bus terminal. Post overnight bus trip. Weird black insect I've never seen before. Bite! My hand swelled so large I could neither see my knuckles nor make a fist. I took no comparative picture, so imagine a hand of the chubbiest little baby you have ever seen. Larger though.
I already showed you the style of houses built by those living at the highest altitudes in Ecuador (Reference: El Páramo entry). Here is a house built at the lowest possible elevation. Propped on stilts and made of wood, it is designed to monopolize the ocean front property while not drowning in the high tide. Next installment: the jungle hut.
After a few missed opportunities and misinformed attempts, I attended the weekly Animal Fair in Otavalo. Planning only to check prices and find the strangest animal for sale, I wandered through pigs, horses, goats, cuy, sheep, cows, ducks, chickens, roosters, and people making lots of noise. I succumbed quickly and bought 2 chicks and 2 ducklings. Bargained down from $6 to $5. They are currently set up in a little house outside getting accustomed to a lot more space than they have ever seen. When the ducklings get larger, I will install a small pond so they can to swim. The chicks should be fully mature in two months, while the ducklings
I had trouble keeping these cute little birds in my hands for a proper picture.
My village is currently celebrating the three year anniversary of the church. While hanging around the festivities yesterday, I started talking to some teenagers from a nearby town. They had a few musical instruments and asked me to play with them. After running to my house to grab my guitar and harmonicas, we played two songs for the crowd praising God as ¨todo poderoso¨. After our performance, we established a weekly time for me to teach them music. Their knowledge is very basic, they cannot yet hold a rhythm, and they get nervous in front of an audience. They already have instruments, they enjoy playing together, and they want to learn. The potential is astounding.