Wednesday, March 3, 2010

View from my patio: Cayambe Volcano

The terrible cramp I reported a few days ago turned into two full days of intense food poisoning (and all the unpleasant bodily functions that accompany such an affliction). Good thing I was sick on Sunday and didn´t miss class.

Once that passed, I got right back into the swing of things around Olmedo. It turns out that my Mama Iness has many small properties right around our house. I´ve been helping tend to the corn, chickens, and guinea pigs. I spent a few hours the other night helping her grandson Raúl tend to one of her corn fields. When he asked me to come with him, I thought we were just going to see them, so I didn´t change out of my shorts and sneakers. After moving the active sprinklers multiple times and chasing goats away, I found myself soaked in water and covered in luscious, black dirt. Together we watched the sunset among the mountains. Almost too romantic. Almost.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, poor baby! I thought of this one night while you were here, but come morning I forgot to mention it. Do you know about/have any GSE/Nutribiotic? It's grapefruit seed extract, and when in the condition you were in, then quickly cured by this stuff, I was so impressed I wanted to shoot an ad for it, saying, "This shit is the shit for the shits!"

    If you don't have any, please send me your address and I'll send you some....
