I spend a few minutes each day tending to my garden. Considering I had little to no experience before arriving here, things are going well. Radish, beets, carrots, lettuce, onions, zuchinni, cabbage, swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflour, basil, cilantro, sweet peppers, peas, and three types of tomatoes are squeezed into about 3x10 meters.
In training I learned about organic fertilizers, compost teas, BIOL, pesticides, etc, and have implemented many here.
Inside the greenhouse I have put anything that climbs, so the peas and tomatoes. They are beginning to show flowers, but alas, the humidity fogs the camera lens.
My first harvest included 14 radishes and few leaves of basil. Most other
I am in a unique agricultural situation living on the Equator. Full sun, no frost, and moderate rain all year round. Once this garden begins really producing, I won´t have to go to market for vegetables.
So envious of your ease of growing there. It's so hard here. I planted my first thing here the other day -- a tiny thing of rosemary, figuring before long it should do alright on its own, even in this harsh climate....